Friday, November 21, 2008

Carbon Offsetting our Green Building Products

Eco-Building Products, a supplier of Green Building Products, is launching a new Carbon Offsetting program in response to's call to action on Global Warming. In January, Eco-Building Products will feature an option for all our customers to off-set their shipping and help reduce the amount of Carbon in the atmosphere.

What is 350?
"350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet.

The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth.

But solutions exist. All around the world, a movement is building to take on the climate crisis, to get humanity out of the danger zone and below 350. This movement is massive, it is diverse, and it is visionary. We are activists, scholars, and scientists. We are leaders in our businesses, our churches, our governments, and our schools. We are clean energy advocates, forward-thinking politicians, and fearless revolutionaries. And we are united around the world, driven to make our planet livable for all who come after us.

We are everywhere, and together we are unstoppable."

Monday, November 17, 2008

You Tube Videos Added

We have added installation videos and more to our YouTube Channel (GreenBuildingProduct). We will continue to add videos and collect resources for all your Green Building Product installations.

Please visit our YouTube channel at:

Sample Video:

Remember, all of our Green Building Products are available at

Monday, November 3, 2008

Michigan Net-Metering has Arrived

Michigan Net-Metering Enacted
On October 6, 2008 Governor Granholm signed SB 213 into law. This renewable energy bill requires utilities to obtain 10 percent of their energy from renewable resources by 2015 as well as requiring utilities to allow for net metering for residential and commercial customers who operate renewable energy systems (up to 20 kilowatts).

Unfortunately, the bill does not require a utility to allow more than one percent of its in-state peak load to come from net-metering operators (and only .5 percent from systems under 20 Kw or less). However, this small step means small residential and commercial solar energy systems and wind energy systems will become even more affordable over time with a much improved return on investment.

Federal Tax Credit for Renewable Energy
Couple this with the Federal Income Tax Credit that gives commercial and residential solar hot water heating systems, solar photovoltaic systems, and wind energy systems a 30 percent tax credit with no limit, and it seems we are on the cusp of a new era in renewable energy production.

A 5ooo watt system that once to retailed for $49,000 (currently on sale at Eco-Building Products for $42,000 and eligible for $12,900 tax credit) will now have a $14,700 tax credit available. In addition, the same 30 percent federal tax credit (as in tax liability, not merely a deduction) applies to the installation costs. For a relatively modest investment, a home owner or business owner could feasibly become energy-independent and have their system paid off in less than 25 years. Perhaps even less so as energy costs continue to rise.

Eco-Heat, Recycled Wood Heating Bicks

A quick shout-out to a very cool local product:

Eco-Heating WoodBricks are made of 100% all natural kiln dried sawdust, no added binders to hold them together so they are even safe for cooking. We use immense amounts of pressure to form the Eco-Heating WoodBricks. Because of this dryness, when burned the Eco-Heating WoodBricks produce very small amounts of wood ash and very little creosote buildup which reduces the chance of chimney fires.

Each Eco-Heating WoodBrick will last up to 3 hours individually. One skid (4’ X 4’ X 4’) equals the same BTU as a full cord (4’ X 4’ X 8’) of fire/cordwood in half the space! No bugs, no bark, no mess.


* 100% recycled wood
* No Additives
* Low creosote and smoke
* No bugs or Bark
* Very little ash
* 1 skid equals a full cord of firewood
* Half the space of cordwood
* Easy to start
*No need to tend between loads

For more information contact Eco-Heating Bricks,

18657 US 31 South bldg. #2
Interlochen, MI 49643


Phone Numbers
Main Office Number: (231) 275-4328
Main Office Fax: (231) 275-6455